If the calendar didn’t already tell me I could have guessed today was a Monday. We got a late start to the school day today and had a few hijacks along the way. The good news is that we made it! Only 25 minutes until reinforcements arrive (aka Daddy). Hallelujah! Here’s a recap of what we managed to do today.
We started talking about place value today in math. Luckily I had snagged this awesome base ten set at Mardel recently for 50% off! But before we could get started Chandler had to build something with them. If this kid doesn’t become some kind of engineer or architect then I’m a monkey’s uncle!
After construction was complete we worked out some easy place value worksheets. Next, continuing with the place value concept, we played a cute little sorting game I found FREE at TeachersPayTeachers!
We are continuing our unit on weather in Science this week. Today we had a fun, cheap, and EASY experiment to learn about the water cycle. First we (and by we I mean I) poured some HOT water into our clear plastic cups (thank you Dollar Tree).
Step 2: we covered our cups carefully with clear plastic wrap.
Step 3: we put an ice cube on top of the plastic wrap and watched as condensation formed. We talked about how this mimics what our water does when the sun heats it up and it turns into water vapor. We talked about how the water vapor collects and forms clouds. When the clouds are too heavy with water we get rain. This is just like the “rain drops” collecting on the plastic wrap that will fall when they become too big!
Until Tuesday,
love it!