I got Emma set working on another wipe off Sesame Street tracer from the Dollar Tree while I introduced a new activity to Chandler.
Chandler is naturally drawn to math and science, which is great, but he lacks interest in the reading and writing area. In order to encourage his participation in language arts activities I turned to snacks! I gave him a pile of Scrabble Cheeze Its and had him create words before he could eat them. I also had him copy his words down on paper to practice his penmanship.
Since this activity took some "refocusing," I gave Emma a cute pattern cut and paste from education.com.
After lunch I worked with Chandler on his vowel worksheets while Emma worked on puzzles.
We took a story time break and read a book that I had checked out from the library. I go online and search the library catalog for books that go along with themes or lessons we are covering and gather the books I need for the week. This is one of my favorite ways to save money while homeschooling.
Today we read all about clouds and how they are made. We took a trip to the back yard to test our cloud identification skills. We also set out a cup of water with a line marking the waterline to learn about evaporation. We'll check back tomorrow to see how much water has evaporated.
When we came back inside I gave Chandler another language arts activity. We talked about what kinds of words are nouns and verbs and I had him sort "french fries" into the appropriate fry cup. This was a super easy, super cheap hands on activity!
The kids were ready for a snack so I let them help me make cookies - they love to help in the kitchen! After the cookies were ready we sat down to watch a DVD from the library that is all about the American flag.
To top the day off, we went to the new splash pad in town and met up with some friends. Tomorrow will be our first official day of school! Here we go..........
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