Chandler is, like every other boy his age, OBSESSED with all things Minecraft. I’ll admit, I like that he is at least building and creating things more than he is fighting zombies – although they do pop up from time to time. One of his favorites parts of the game is the Creeper – so for his birthday this year we were all creeped-out! Take a look!
So, when it comes to buying Minecraft or Creeper party supplies – there are none. Of course, by this time next year they will be EVERYHERE. So – we had to get a little creative and make our own for the party. For the balloons, we used a permanent marker to draw Creeper faces onto lime green colored balloons. We did try black duck tape first but it weighed the balloon down too much.
We also used an inexpensive lime green table cloth to make a Creeper door cover. Instead of passing out from the massive amount of permanent marker needed to draw on a giant creeper face we used black construction paper. We took it down carefully when the party was over and now Chandler has it in his room.
With the leftover tablecloth I was able to make another Creeper face for even more Minecraft fun! I also used black construction paper to make a Creeper gift bag for the birthday boy’s gift. Chandler also likes the spider in the game so we made an easy spider balloon decoration with a balloon and streamers.
But wait! We weren’t done Creeping out yet! My dad was commissioned to make a life-size Creeper out of boxes – and he did a pretty good job! Yet another item we must make room for in Chandler’s little man cave.
Before we kicked off the Creep-tastic Minecraft fun we took the boys to play a round of laser tag.
Back at party central we were ready to chow down with pizza and Creeper-Ade (otherwise known as green kool-aid).
What Minecraft party is complete without a Minecraft themed cake?! Thanks to Sassy Sisters in Oklahoma City we had the perfect cake to top off the party! (P.S. It was delicious too!)
After cake and ice cream we opened gifts and of course PLAYED MINECRAFT!
The party favors were my favorite part – Creeper bags made from little green paper bags and gold (Rolos), TNT (Twizzlers), and water (Hershey’s cookies n’ cream kisses)!
We had a blast and want to thank everyone who came out and partied with us! Hope you enjoyed taking a look at our Creeper party!